The Academy seeks to awaken in mankind his existential calling to live as “Anthropos.” Its vision is unique on the contemporary educational landscape, as its foundation is firmly anchored in the Economy of God’s salvation.
The Academy receives its vision from the very beginning of the cosmos:

The Fall resulted in three impediments to union with God (salvation):
1. Human Nature fell
God’s image in man fell and suffered darkness, such that fallen human nature could no longer commune with God and behold His glory.
2. Sin entered the world
Mankind’s disobedience and rejection of God allowed the sickness of sin to dominate his soul and sin willingly became routine.
3. Death entered the world
Thus, separated from God, the Author of Life, this sickness subjected mankind to mortality.
Mankind was made to live in relation to God (άνθρωπος)
With love towards mankind, God condescended to His creation first by co-working with the Israelites through the prophets by establishing the Law of Moses.

The nations (those who were not Israelites) were inspired by the Natural Law to seek the One True God.

In particular, the Hellenes acquired a profound love of wisdom (philosophy), and through the rational intellect came to reject the worship of nature. Nonetheless, neither philosophy nor the Law could save man from the three impediments.
The three impedimentsto union with Godhave three cures
1. Human nature fell.
The Incarnation
The Second Person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ, willingly took on human nature restoring it through union with His Divine Nature.
2. Sin entered the world.
The Three temptations
Jesus Christ revealed to mankind how to resist the tempter and his call to disobedience through the “Word of God.”

3. Death entered the world
The Death and resurrection
After fulfilling the Law, Christ took all sin upon Himself and offered Himself on behalf of mankind. He trampled down death by His death, and restored man to eternal life by His resurrection.
What does this mean for the Academy’s work?
Mankind has always been free to either follow or reject God’s call to live in relation to Him. Many people today live in fear, anxiety and confusion as effects of the Fall are everywhere present. The Academy seeks to imitate our Lord as it models the love of wisdom exemplified by the Hellenes, and as it contemplates the legacy of Byzantine Culture, such that all may become “partakers of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4).
The principle tool of the Academy will be dialogue, δια-λόγος, which will be used to engage contemporary society in discussions that anticipatingly will result in seekers being rewarded with a deeper relationship with God. It is this timeless message of the restoration of mankind to communion with God that the Academy seeks to communicate through the mediums of Conferences, Courses, and Curricula.